Ancient Mythology

Tuireann | Irish Mythology

Tuireann was a figure in Irish mythology.

Tuireann had a number of children, including three sons: Iuchar, Iucharba and Brian. These three sons killed Cian, the father of the High King Lugh. As punishment, Lugh sent these three sons on nearly-impossible quests which resulted in their deaths. Tuireann died from the grief of his loss.

Tuireann is likely an Irish version of Taranis, the thunder god of the Gauls and the Celts of the Iberian penninsula, and also to the Norse god Thor.

Some myths refer to a character named Delbáeth, who is indicated as having a name similar to Tuireann and also being the father of the same three sons. Although these two figures have different death stories, they are often considered to be different versions of the same character.

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